Your donations, no matter the amount, can make a significant impact on our squadron's operations. Donations can be made directly to the squadron via Interac e-transfer to, by mail (see below), or through the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC). We are a registered charity, number 123613523 RR 0026. If you require a tax receipt, please include your name (matching the donation’s name), address, and telephone number in the message.
Mailing address:
832 Twillick Air Cadet Squadron
C/O: Treasurer
2755 Laurier St, PO Box 5007
Rockland, On
K4K 0A9
How you can help
Parents can get involved in Sponsor Committee activities in many ways—you likely have already contributed and don’t know it!
When you buy a pop from the canteen you are supporting the fundraising of the Sponsor Committee. When you volunteer to help at Community Visibility days, you are directly helping one of our key fundraising activities. You can also volunteer to help at other squadron activities such as bush weekends, contribute your talents towards a successful annual inspection, or volunteer to become a member of the Sponsor Committee. Come see us at the Squadron; all contributions of your time, knowledge, or donations are appreciated!